Difference between Act and ordinance.

Procedure of Enactment


A draft introduced in the Parliament it is called a bill. A bill is a initial stage of an Act. First the bill introduced to the lower house of the Parliament ( Loksabha ) and after the discussion once it has been passed,the bill goes to upper house (Rajyasabha) .After passing of the upper house it is sent to the president for approval. When the President sign on that bill,the bill becomes Law .


The President and the Governor have also a power to promulgate the Ordinance.

Article 123- Power of president promulgate ordinances during recess of Parliament.

Article 213- Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances during recess the legislature.

It is a temporary laws that are circulated by the president of India.The ordinances can be delivered when the Parliament is not in session. After the passing of ordinances  Parliament have to pass it within six months in session  ,otherwise it is expired automatically.


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