Res-judicata section 11 cpc

Res- judicata- Section 11 of CPC defines Res- judicata. Res- thing or subject matter Judicata- decided or adjudicated - A matter finally decided on its merits by a court having competent jurisdiction and not subject to litigation again between the same parties. - Means matter already adjudicated upon cannot be re-agitated again. - One should not be vexed twice for the same cause. - The object of the principle is to prevent endless litigation. - The same person cannot be harassed again and again in various proceedings upon the same question. - Once a matter is finally decided by a competent court , no party can be permitted to reopen it in a subsquent litigation. - It applies to civil suits, execution proceeding, arbitration proceeding, taxation matters, Industrial adjudication,writ petition, administrative orders, interim orders, criminal proceeding, etc. Object- - To prevent hardship to an individual who could otherwise be vexed. - It is b...